C++ program - how to run

I teach a social studies class and one of my students created a video game for a project.

The file is a C++ files. What kind of program do I need to run it on my computer? I have a Toshiba with Windows 7 32-bit

Bear in mind I have little understanding of coding and the creator of this project is 11. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So I guess my question would be what are the last three letters on the file extension?

If it is a .exe then it can just install and run on its own, if it ends in .cpp then you need to download an IDE program that can test it.

If it does end in .cpp then I think your best bet is to have the kid bring in a copy of his own ide compiler and set it up to run his program for you. If he has the skills to make a functioning game in c++ on his/her own then he could easily do this for your computer in less than 5 minutes. (download time included.)

If you want to download an IDE, then I suggest CODEBLOCKS (http://sourceforge.net/projects/codeblocks.berlios/files/codeblocks-10.05-setup.exe/download), it's one of the best.

Anyways, your best bet is still to have the kid or his parents set up the program to run because it can get difficult if you aren't extremely good with computers.

I forgot, most schools have "The computer tech guy". If you could ask him he'll know what to do, it's his job after all.

I'm sorry but going over a step by step on downloading and installing a compiler could take a very long time in text format.
closed account (zb0S216C)
Compilation depends on a few things:

1) Which compiler did the student intent to use?
2) What's the file extension?
3) Is the program a Win32 program or a console?

Since you have limited understanding of programming, I'd suggest locating the computer technician as newbieg said. He/she'll compile it for you quick time.

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