Hello I am very new to both these forums and programming so go easy on me. I would like some help with the following program I am trying to write.
It isn't a useful program just something to get me started. What I was trying to do was get the user to insert an integer between 1 and 10, then my program would multiply it by 1500. Using the code blocks compiler I wrote out the program and then recieved the following errors:
-error: expected unqualified id before: 'switch' and case and >> token
-error: cout does not have a name type.
and those sort of problems, here is the code (it's very poor):
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
cout << "Insert a number between 1 and 10:" << endl;
switch 'nNumber';
// Present each case and times the number by 1500 and show user the answer.
This is complete nonsense and waste of anybody's time to correct or comment on.
I suggest you make a better attempt at learning C++.
You can start here http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ if you want.