copy struct then delete old one.

I have two instances of structs.

struct Foo{ ... }

Foot1 *foo1Instance = new Foo1();
Foot1 *foo2Instance = new Foo1();

i populate *foo2Instance with stuff....

then I want to copy over foo2Instance content to foo1Instance then delete
foo2Instance because i don't need it anymore...

so i have something like:
*foo1Instance = *foo2Instance 
delete  foo2Instance; stuff with foo1Instance new data from foo2Instance.

problem is when i try to access foo1Instance , it throws exceptions,..however if i don't delete foo2Instance its *foo1Instance = *foo2Instance is not write..i tried std::swap,doesn't work..... if i never delete foo2Instance, things work....

can someone tell me how to copy my struct to the other, and safety & completely delete the other one and not have it effect foo1instance?

It is possible that your structure has a member that is a pointer to a dynamically allocatted area. So if you did not write the copy assignment operator then after assignment two objects point to the same area. After deleting one the deleting of the second causes the error.
So you should show how you defined the structure.
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