I am still rather new to C++ and am finding it hard to understand and utilize the following concepts:
1. I’m trying to call the studentInformation( ) in the int main( ) and I don’t know how.
2. Once I’ve collected the information in the studentInformation( ) I want to store that information on a text file. I think I know how to write it to a text file using ostream. But does ostream accept strings, then integers, then a double, output like the example below?
(row and column wouldn't show of course, also the -- are only to help format the question better)
------ Column 1:-- Column 2:-- Column 3:-- Column 4:
row 1: First name , Last name , A-Number , Grade
row 2: First name , Last name , A-Number , Grade
So if I wanted to retrieve this stored information with my roster( ) using istream and probably two loops creating a 2D array. Would it interpret it like this?
line 1 column 1 = first name,
line 1 column 2 = last name,
line 1 column 3 = a number,
line 1 column 4 = grade,
then rinse and repeat.
line 2 column 1 = first name,
I have researched these topics and find what I believe to be the answers, a bit daunting, and have a hard time understanding them. So please don’t think me lazy.
Thanks for the time
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class student
int roster()
cout << "--Roster--" << endl;
// Pull the information for each student from text file
// Run information from text file through studentInformation()
// I want the information in that format.
// If its really hard to try and run it through that function I
// could make an easier function specifically for formatting.
// Print out roster for each student (All the information in the
// text file)
return 0;
int studentInformation()
string firstName;
string lastName;
int aNumber;
double grade;
cout << "--Student information--" << endl;
cout << "First Name: " << endl;
cout << "Last Name: " << endl;
cout << "A-Number: A" << endl;
cin >> aNumber;
cout << "Grade: " << endl;
cin >> grade;
return 0;
int main()
int choice = 0;
cout << "---Student Report v1.0---" << endl;
cout << "1. Roster" << endl;
cout << "2. Add New Student" << endl;
cout << "3. Input Grade" << endl;
cout << "4. Student Search" << endl;
cout << "5. Exit" << endl;
cin >> choice;
case 1: //Call and use the roster()
case 2: //Call and use the studentInformation()
case 3: //Call and use the inputGrade()
case 4: //Call and use the studentSearch()
case 5: cout << "Thank you for using Student Report v1.0" << endl;
return 0;
default: cout << "Invalid Selection." << endl;
cout << "Please enter a menu option between 1 and 5." << endl;
return 0;