how to start compiler for console i/o

Please guide me to understand as to how to start a Borland C++ or GNU compiler in the console i/o mode. I am very familiar with 8051 assembly and have made successful assembly programmes, I am totally new to C++. Please help.
lol ic...u can read some tutorials provided in dis website lar..!!
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please tell me what tutorials buddy, i'll be forever grateful...
I'm not sure what rat genius797 is referring to. As far as I know, this site doesn't contain any tutorials for use of any particular compiler. Have you tried sending an email to Borland to ask them if they have a electronic manual they could email you?

You could also try switching to an easier to use compiler. I'm not saying that Borland is bad, but I've seen it pop up in a lot of "How do I get the compiler to work?" questions. It just seems more complicated than a lot of others, and in my opinion that's not ideal for learning. C++ is tough enough to get a handle on without adding a whole other manual just to figure out the basics of how to operate the compiler. Learn the basics of the language first, then pick up that manual for the compiler when you're ready to try more advanced programming.
Thank you. This site has a tutorial. I like it. I am studying it. BUT to get some hands on experience I need a compiler...So as you say, study it through and through then I will know what the compiler guy is talking about! Also since I've done assmbly for so many years, C++ is that much harder coz those concepts intrude. I expect a fixed instruction set - that is not so with C++ etc..
What I need is a 1, 2, 3 instruction in starting the compiler, writing the pgm and seeing the result. COuld you direct me to some site where this would be available?
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