Putting diacritical signs into console

Hello again!

So right now I'm creating some program with much text. It's in Polish, so I use my diacritical letters(ć, ś, ź, and so on). However, as you know, compiler changes it into some strange icons. I would like to use these letters(otherwise it's just horror to read), but I don't know how.

The problem is, that I created class with few strings, so I should create the function that would change every string in the class object. So the solution for this problem should be ready to be used as a function.

I'm using Code::Blocks IDE, gnu GCC compiler.

PS. The solution should be executed automatically(I've seen some solutions, but they required user to change font of console, which I can't assume he will do).

These diacritical letters are not part of the encoding scheme that your IDE uses. (They are UTF-8) Sadly, they are not used by some other windows programs (The console window for example). As they use only the basic 256 ASCII characters. I'm afraid you will just have to try and not use them, or use a string library that supports uni-code (I believe wxWidgits has one) and input the character numbers manually.
Or, you can just include a new font file with all of these letters, then use that font with your program. You probably won't be able to make a working console program, but you could do it in a gui application.
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