Some little help please!

Hi ppl,

i´m new here and i dont understand almost nothing about coding (just a bit of VB), i just read a try to understand the codes of this and that and aplly them to my needs...and...well... im trying to create a .dll file that i want to read a specific registry entry key and if returns true initialize a function. This is what i have for now:

#include ".\Float.h"

REGISTER_GUI_PLUGIN( Float, L"My Float" );

Float::Float( IMpUnknown* host ) : MpGuiBase(host)
HKEY hkey;
DWORD dwDisposition;

if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Software\\Mydll"), (123), NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &hkey, &dwDisposition))

floatVal.initialize( this, 0, static_cast<MpGuiBaseMemberPtr>(&Float::onSetFloatVal) );


boolVal.initialize( this, 1, static_cast<MpGuiBaseMemberPtr>(&Float::onSetBoolVal) );

void Float::onSetFloatVal()
boolVal = floatVal;

void Float::onSetBoolVal()


This code is to be executed in the Synthedit VST visual programming software as a module of its kind...

well...ive tried various conditions but the line:

floatVal.initialize( this, 0, static_cast<MpGuiBaseMemberPtr>(&Float::onSetFloatVal) );

always is executed even when there is no registration of "MyDll" in the registry!

Any help?

Thank You!

Duarte V.
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