Few newbie questions.

Pages: 12
hanst09 but what about times where you have to do complicated things and make certain amount of things in the program within the class?

I didn't quite understand what you were saying there.
It is an excellent language to learn. Mostly because the future has two options in store:

1) We all go to virtual machines. Guess what. C# uses a virtual machine to compile and run code.

2) Someone makes a better C++ type language. Most if not all manufacturers start producing products that use the same underlying hardware code and etc. Then we can all just use one language and know what to do to optimize code.

The fact is. Option number 1 is looking better every day. Virtual Machines are being used world wide by many companies. C# may not be the best language every. But eventually, programming will go to a language that uses a virtual machine. It's easier to port one copy of C# code than making a different port for every different machine available to consumers.
that seems like an excellent language to learn.I assume it shares a pretty similar pattern to C++,and if I somehow get all the basics scratched off,I will try that language.
MinwooJu, you don't need to be fluent in C++ to move into C#. In fact, jumping into C# may be easier for someone new to OO.

Becoming an expert at C# is a different story due to its relationship with the CLR. But in many cases, even in the industry, you wouldn't have to be that intimate with it.

Just my opinion, of course.
^ Very true.
I personally started to learn C++,although it's not a very forgiving language,because I knew that if I'm fluent in one language I can have 'less-troubles' with another language.

And since C++ has some connections to Java,C#(like you mentioned),C and other languages,I started to learn this language.

So yeah.I'm currently on the onjective oriented programming with C++,and to be honest,it's hard.I really HOPE I can get basics of it within like...say few weeks.
You can learn one, then the other. Do them both at the same time might be confusing.

There is always reason to go back and learn plain old C code, or C++ code, or even further back. But you won't need to do that until you get more advanced and need to understand advanced concepts.

In my opinion. Learning both would be a plus whether or not you continue to use both or either. Knowledge is power!
haha.Very true.I'm all motivated now!
The main difference is always going to be speed, optimization, portability, and preference.

C++ and C# are very close, but very different. Whether or not you can do everything in C++ and in C# is something know will ever know. But, after the years of testing, people have come up with which language is better for which situation.

Mac vs Pc vs Linux? Same problem, different question.
xbox vs Playstation

that is a similar question in 'teenage world.' Main differnet being it's not about programming.

Wouldn't you say? lol.
C# isn't a bad language, but the fact that it provides an in language feature to make something you shouldn't be doing in the first place a little less tedious doesn't make that thing a good thing.
as I say,I won't be able to give my opinion unless I actually 'try it.'I soon hope to get in touch with C#.
He is referring to accessors and mutators.

Though I had previously in this post spouted my opinion on the matter, I guess the same could be said of a languages implementation of goto.

But even the latter has, in rare cases, its uses.
I think people are missing the point here.

Getters and Setters. Accessors and Mutators. Same thing, different name. But is it a feature of C++? No. Why? Because the real question isn't 'Are they a good thing or not?'; the question is 'Do I need to use them?' (Lol, that doesn't really answer the question. The actual answer is because you can implement them if you need them; and if you don't need them, you don't even need to worry about them.)

You ask this question about everything.
Are prompts a good thing? See how this question is really not focusing on the problem at hand?
Do I need to use prompts in my program or not? Now, we can answer yes or no an get back to the programming.
Prompts aren't inherently bad or good. Neither are getters and setters. Neither is debugging. But if you keep debugging stuff in your final release of a video game, its gonna piss off some players.

So, stop fighting everyone on what is good and what is bad, and decide on your own whether or not you need something. Is boost good, is boost bad. Who cares. If you want a library that has a lot of helpful functions, then use it. If you want a program that doesn't depend on anyone else's library, then write your own functions.
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I agree. Discussing if something is good or bad especially on programming-although it might have majority of the same view, we can't 'force' people to like something because everyone has different point of views. I just simply asked 'do I need getter and setters?' because I just wanted people to just simply 'answer' . I didn't want people to go onto a whole new thread on if people think it's good or not just simply 'do I actually need accessors?'. Everyone has different point of views as I said, and I personally think that accessors can be able to avoid bugs.

end of story.This thread will be resolved in 3 days to leave a few space for people. Feel free to just answer the questions,however,please don't go into a whole new thread of opinions.It's uncessary.Everything is there for a reason.
I guess I could take the blame for enticing the conversation. I actually enjoyed the exchange. It was the reason it flowed into C#, which was good for the OP to know. No one needs to get upset at this. Again, I enjoyed it and thought it useful even for myself.
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