Write a program that will define the following two classes
Class Student
- Name : string
- Age: int
+ setName(string) : void
+ setAge(string): void
+ getName(): string
+ getAge(): int
+ Student (int=0, string=””)
Class Course
Private members:
1. Course Title
2. Course Teacher
3. Max size of Student number
4. count the enroll student
5. a pointer of class Student
Some hints for the public members:
1. The constructor will create a dynamic array of maxSize size and the count will equal 0 (if the maxSize is negative then it
Set the maxSize to 10
- Title : string
- Teacher: string
- MaxSize: int
- count: int
- StuList: Student *
+ setTeacher(string) : void
+ setTitle(string): void
+ getTeacher(): string
+ getTitle(): string
+ insertStudent(Student): bool
+ Course (string, string, int =10)
+ Course(Course&):copy constr
+ ~Course
+ print( ): void
2. insertStudent function: if the count less than the MaxSize it will add a new student object to the StuList and increment the count then return true. Otherwise it will return false.
3. Copy Constructor: to avoid shallow copy
4. Destructor for deleting the dynamic array
5. Print( ): to print the course information (every thing)
In the main we can ask to do the following
• declare a course object C1
• set the values of C1 by using set Functions
• declare a course object C2 by using copy constructor
• Make some changes to C2
• Let the user add as much students as he want to C1 or C2
• print C1 and C2
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