Binary Tree Rotation.

Solved. Thanks guys.
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Why does GetNode create a new node? Isn't it supposed to find a node in your tree? The segfault is there probably because on line 6 (and elsewhere) you access NULL or uninitialized member m_right of a newly created node.
You are right. I shouldn't be calling that at all. Do you have any suggestions as to how I go about finding the node? I am really lost here, any help would be appreciated.
You need a function that generates labels. To generate a label for a node, you need to know the labels of its children. To generate a label for a leaf, you have to know for how many leaves you've already generated labels. You need a function generate_label(Node* node, int* number_of_children_passed) that would return either (generate_label(node-left, ...) + generate_label(node->right, ...))/2 (put the two into variables so that the order of evaluation is defined), if the children exist, or increment *number_of_children_passed and return it multiplied by 10 if they don't. Then just do normal search.
Note that you didn't say how to write labels if only one child exists.
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