skarla, I've been programming for 14 years and still don't think I'm ready to program games. I've done several Pong clones but I kept missing the same thing oddly enough when I made them so I've gone back to just doing C++ console apps just to make sure I have everything learned. The thing I always wonder though is if I have the concepts learned as I seriously don't know what they are. I just learned the language (which according to a lot of people means I have learned wrong).
How hard can it be to come up with ideas for a few programs?
If there's nothing that interests you which you want to make, why did you start learning programming in the first place?
They have good ideas for excersizes there. As you get better, you'll think to yourself "Ah, I can use this technique for this action! I should write a program that does that!".
You'll be ready when you've learned everything you need to do what you want. How quickly you do that is entirely up to you.
Normally one month is enough to create some simple games like Mario, but that assumes that you spend more than just one hour per day on learning.
i studied 1 hour per day for but now where it is easter i am studying 3 hours so maybe it will take to me more than 1 month right?
Yes, most likely. It also depends on how effectively you use these 3 hours (and how effectively you can make use of your own brain - without it, you can spend an entire year without any real results).
can you show me how can i start?
All you need besides the bare C++ basics is a library to get pixels on the screen, such as SFML:
I've been doing it for 14 years and still don't think I could do Mario. The most I've done game wise is number guessing. I have not done a text-based RPG or anything like that. I'd done a pong clone with help and upon trying it from scratch four other times I ended up with the exact same glitch during gameplay.
Simply put, it will be a year at least before you are ready for pong. You need to be completely comfortable with C++ before you bother with libraries or games. If you don't have the patience to do that, then you are wasting your time as you can't just jump into game programming with a 18 day skim of C++. Mario is a year two or three from what I've seen. You need to learn the language you want, then make variants of the same game. You can't just bounce from one thing to the other. You need to do say Pong, then start making new pongs with more features (multi-ball, powerups, 1-4 players, etc). Then move to say Pacman and make variants of that.
None of that is possible til you are good at problem solving and comfortable with a programming language first.
I've been study the basics of C++ mainly because it's a required course for me to take but along the way, I found it fun. Right now, I'm learning OOP and Intro to Data Structures (about to finish my first year). I don't really know much but I feel that I know enough to make the MOST basic stuff in games.
I want to program a little RPG as a hobby but I know that isn't happening anytime soon. Even for a simple RPG would take years to create and "perfect" (granting you'll start from scratch). I play flash games and this one guy programs/composes music/creates the art for his game and it takes him years to finish a game that would last for 8 hours.
Don't rush it. Learn all the basics and slowly move your way up. If you want ideas for a program, do something simple as making calculators for certain math/physics/chem procedures. If you rush it, you'll make mistakes...mess up badly...waste your time...get frustrated...potentially give up at some point.
1) Regardless of how much/little you know, do you think your limited knowledge is enough to build a game?
I just checked the source for a mario clone that someone suggested earlier, and it was very complicated and took a lot of code. I did not understand half of it. i have been programming for a bit more than a year, on and off. Now stop ignoring everything we are saying, and just saying: "When will i be able to make mario!?".
It will be at least 2 years before you, on your own, can comfortably make Mario.
A game like that is VERY, VERY, VERY HARD to beginners, and basically impossible-seeming to people who don't even program.
Well I wouldn't go that far. I've seen guys on allegro program pong as their first game and then do a platformer like mario as their second. While I've also seen others do a graphical number guessing, graphical tic-tac-toe, Pong, Breakout, tetris, space invaders, asteroids, mario, RPG, then get into 3D game programming.
Making the game really isn't dependent on the level of knowledge as you can learn as you go. It is more dependent on your ability to understand the things you are doing. Still in 18 days that is pretty steep to try. Also, you just did my pet peeve, I used to say I wanted to make a Chrono Trigger like RPG and everyone said
you can't make a game that professional
. People assume they want professional quality, I just meant I wanted to make a 2D RPG. I use programmer graphics for the pong game(s) I did.
ok but because i didnt undertsand many thing can you answer some question with simple language?
1) which should to be my first programm and how can i do it?
2) how can i do graphics and how can i use sdl ,i should download or not,can tell me?
thank you!!!