Help encrpyt message to lower case

1. Write a function with the following prototype:
void toLowerCase( char [ ] );
The function receives a string as argument and converts all the upper-case letters in the string to lower-case. Any character in the string that is not in upper-case, e.g. lower-case or non-alphabet character will remain unchanged.
2. Write a function that decrypts the message. The function prototype is given below:
void decrypt( char msg[ ] );
3. Write a main function to test your functions in the following steps:
1. Get the original message: Today a Nobel laureate will visit SAU.
2. Call toLowerCase
3. Display the resulting message
4. Call encrypt
5. Display the resulting message
6. Call decrypt
7. Display the resulting message
convert is
c = tolower(c);
for simple encryption just do
if(!isspace(c)) c += 3;// moves letter c up 3 letters so if it is a it is now d
skip use isspace because you do not want to change spaces. make sure to include ctype.h
decryption is the just c -= 3;
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