C++ with out fear

C++ with out fear is the book i am using to try and learn C++ but some of the exercises are just making me go ummm wtf
Do you think i will come to understand these previous exercises as i work through the book or should i really try to buckle down and figure them out before moving on?
Understanding beginning excercizes will greatly benifit you in the future as future excercizes will more than likely require past knoweledge to complete. I learned this myself when reading C++ books.

If you are confused with things, check out this guys tutorials, he has 73 C++ tutorials. These helped me learn.

this ones a beginner input output vid but you can browse through and see what else he has to help you out.

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I Agree with Ch1156, Bucky does a fairly good job in introducing complete beginner's to how thing's work in c++. I would strongly recommend that you watch all of the c++ videos Bucky has. And afterwards if you do not feel satisfied with your knowledge I would recommend watching lectures of c++ and object oriented programming like for example.


Ps. Do not watch the lectures until you finish the 1 - 73 videos bucky has, or else you are risking the problem of being lost in the lecture.

And if your still not satisfied with what you know after watching all the videos then I recommend that you finish you book and get more complex c++ book's or get into computer science( it helps you understand computer's in general).
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this man is a god to me
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