std::cout << '\b' << '*';
that is the only idea i would have. the \b is the back/delete button. if you do this you need to do
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
std::string s;
while(char c != '\n'){
std::cin >> c;//gets the next char
s += c; //adds char to end of string
std::cout << '\b' << '*';//replace with an asterisk
//there will be a new line char at the end of the name so make sure to delete that
WIN32's EDIT class contains this exact feature. It can be enabled quite easily there.
I've never seen a professional console app that does this though. Even telnet, svn, fpt, or ssh commands don't ussually do this. If you were to do it, perhaps using the <curses> library would work well.
EDIT: Actually long double main's solution is really nice and easy. Just copy the getpass() and getch() (if applicable) functions exactly as written. Also don't forget to include the appropriate headers.