#include <iostream> using namespace std; int choice; string name; string tf; int age; int main(){ cout << "You are standing outside a wrecked house. What do you do? \n 1.Go inside \n 2. Look through window \n 3. Walk around/examine house " <<endl; cin>>choice; if (choice==1){ cout <<"A strange group of people attack you and rape you. the end." <<endl; } if (choice==2){ cout <<"A giant sword stabs you through the eye. You live but you cannot remove the \n sword and carry it in your eye forever and die by infection...mwahaha" <<endl; } if (choice==3){ cout <<"A strange man confronts you. 'what is your name kid,' he asks. You reply: " <<endl; cin >>name; if (name=="eric"){ cout <<"You have just been ass-raped. You never walk again. The end." <<endl; if (name!="eric"){ cout <<"He replies: 'what a great name, wanna be friends?'. Yes or no?" <<endl; cin >>tf; if (tf=="true"){ cout <<"Your new friend loves frolicking through minefields. You both blow up and meet an untimely death" <<endl; } if (tf=="false"){ cout <<"'Good, I have plenty of friends,' he replies. You wander dejectedly, moping. A girl on the street offers you sex. You accecpt. A cop finds you two and asks your age. How old are you?" <<endl; } } } } } |