tiny c++

why is it that my turbo c++ is too small (literally), if you didn't get that then.. i mean, the window of my c++ is small.. and when i execute c++ a message window appears, and it goes like this:

This system does not support fullscreen mode. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.
Options: 'Close' 'Ignore'
-when i choose close, it exits
--when i choose ignore, c++ shows up but it is too small.

my OS is windows vista starter edition.

Windows Vista doesn't support a full-screen Console Window.
oh crap.

can i atleast make it bigger?
Yes, here is how to do that using Windows API:
RECT Size;
Size.bottom += 200;

That gets the old window size and makes it higher. If you want it to be larger, you will have to resize the buffer size too.

(A different way is using pdcurses)
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