I have to write a program in c++ for a exam, but I`m not really good in that programming language. The exam is very important for me. I will explain how should that program work.
It must decode the Cezar's Code. I would be easy, I know that, I should use a algoritm to those programm, but there is a very difficult part (for me).
I will yet quote that what my teacher saied:
"In the first line the standard entries are: total number - n (1<=n<=1 000 000), it mean the length of the message and the sign c - big letter of Latin Alphabet (ABCEGIKMOQSUVWXYZ), that appears the most times in the original message.
N and C are seperated with a single SPACE.
In the second line the entries is the coded message, that is build from N big letters of the Latin Alphabet, without any SPACE.
"For example:
For the entry date:
9 A
The answer should be:
And he said:
"In that example the entry text has been moved periodly about 10 letters. Generally appears the letter A (four times). "