usingnamespace rapidxml;
std::string input_xml;
std::string line;
std::ifstream in("testtable.xml");
// read file into input_xml
std::cout << line << std::endl;
input_xml += line;
// Run the RapidXML parser inputting the string that has just been loaded.
std::vector<char> xml_copy(input_xml.begin(), input_xml.end());
xml_document<> doc;
doc.parse<parse_full>(&xml_copy[0]); // Wrong flags here?
xml_node<> *node = doc.first_node(0);
while (node != 0){
std::cout << "Name of node is: " << *node->name()<< "\n"; // <-- Wrong output here.
node = &(*node->next_sibling()); // Assign a reference of *node's next sibling to the node pointer for the next iteration.
// If *node has no next sibling, the returned adress will be 0, in which case the looping condidion will return false and stop looping.
For some reason, the code above only outputs the first character of the node name ("h" instead of "hstaticwall"). Would anyone be so kind to tell me why?
EDIT: Sorry, it seems like I had to remove the * before node. It's working.