#include <iostream> //Include input output stream
#include <cstring> //Include C type string
#include <cstdlib> //Include for use of atoi
usingnamespace std; //Define namespace
class A{ //Class definition
public: //Public Domain
A(char * s){ //Constructor taking string array
cout << "\nArgument given = " << s; //Print value s points to
char * p = strtok(s,", "); //Get first token of ',' and place in p pointer
if(p){ //If p is not NULL
int i = atoi(p); //Return the integer value p points to
cout << "\nInteger made = " << i; //Print integer
~A(){} //Distructor
int main(){ //Main starts
char s[80] = "123,123"; //Char array size 80, initialized "123,123"
A a1(s); //Create a1 <-----------------------WORKS
A a2("123,123"); //Create a2 <-----------------------ERROR
return 0; //End successfully
While compiling this warning occurs
/**Compiler WARNING : deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'**/
char as[80]; //char array to store value s points to
strcpy(as,s); //copy content of s to as
char * p = strtok(as,", "); //Get first token of ',' and place in p pointer
This solved the crash problem and now works.
Need a bit of help with the compiler warning, any tip to do it better, any way to make a constructor for this situation?
strtok doesn't like it when a constant string is passed to it, as it likes to be able to modify the original string.
This end of the token is automatically replaced by a null-character by the function, and the beginning of the token is returned by the function.