Hi - I am desperately trying to finish my project and I cannot get the "insert" function to work properly. Basically, the function is going to receive a string dataVal and an index where the code needs to "insert" this item into the linked list. Below is my code - it doesn't work and i'm going nuts. Any help would be so very appreciated!
void List::insert( ElementType dataVal, int index )
Node *newpointer = new Node();
if (index < 0 || index > size)
cout << "Error: Illegal insert position" << endl;
Node * predPtr = NULL;
if ( index == 0)
predPtr = first;
for ( int i = 1; i < index; i++)
predPtr = predPtr->next;
if (predPtr != 0)
newpointer->next = first->next;
first-> next = newpointer;
newpointer->next = first;
first = newpointer;
Thank you so much - I really appreciate it. Can you please look at my delete function? I am to delete a value at a given index. I have code below but for some reason, it will not always delete (sometimes it works sometimes it does not).
void List::erase( int index )
if (index < 0)
cout << "Invalid index specified";
if (first == NULL)
cout << "No element at specified location";