
Hi all,

I am getting in to the serialport class at the moment and I can read data without any problem but the thing is where do I store it.

I just would like your opinion about what is the best way to store my ring buffer data.

I would like to create two methods one read_data_from_serial and one read_data_from_ringbuffer (unsigned char buffer[1000] = {0);

- Do I setup a managed variable for the ring buffer or a unmanaged variable
- Do I create a global variable? and how
- Do I save the data in a class? and how

Everywhere where I read it says it is eval to use globals.

Thank you for your help in advance.

- Do I setup a managed variable for the ring buffer or a unmanaged variable
You can use a class if you wish (would be my suggestion)

Do I create a global variable? and how
Never the right method. Globals are bad design.

Do I save the data in a class? and how

Yeah, that's a good idea. How? Google how to create classes.

Edit: For a ringbuffer, use the boost-implementation.
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Thank you for your answer bootstrapper!

I know how to create a class and how to call it but the thing I miss is how I can store multiple times data in a class.

I have a timer that collects the data and is called every 100ms so if I define a class in the timer and call it I will get an different copy every time right ?

so how should I approach this?

Thank you for your answer bootstrapper!

I know how to create a class and how to call it but the thing I miss is how I can store multiple times data in a class.

I have a timer that collects the data and is called every 100ms so if I define a class in the timer and call it I will get an different copy every time right ?

so how should I approach this?

I don't really get the point- you want to define a class inside your timer class? And what do you mean by calling a class? (Im very sorry, my English isn't that well).

Collecting data ist mostly done by arrays. You can use a std::vector (or a std::set, but then you would have to implement a comparison operator for the class to store inside it).
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Hi all,

I have a time class that runs every 100ms this picks up the data into a unsigned char^ array I would like to copy this data into a ring buffer. that keeps saved.

if my class is called serialPort I would do the following in my timer class.

serialPort saveData;

saveData.Storedata(pointer to my data);

but since the timer class is called every 100 ms I will get a new copy of serialPort every time so I can't keep my data.

please help
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