whey this code is not correct

How are you all group of this forum

I am from KSA , I am beginner in C++ language

Dear Members

I wrote C++ program to convert binary number to decimal numbers as show:

// this program to convert binary number to decimal number
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main()
string bin;
int sum =0;
int x;
cout << "Give binary code: ";
cin >> bin;

x=bin.size()-1; // x is a variable to take last position in the string
cout<<"The previous binary number has "<<x+1<<" digit(s)"<<endl;

// the following loop to Inverse binary string

for(int i=bin.size()-1; i>=0; i--)

// this step to convert
sum = sum + bin[i] * pow (2, (x-i));


cout <<"\nThe decimal number of "<< bin <<" is "<<sum;
return 0;

after compiler, when I write binary number as 001. the output was:

Give binary code:001
The previous binary number has 3 digit(s)

The decimal number of 001 is 337
press any key to continue

pleasssssssssss help me

bin[i] holds a char, so '1' won't be 1 but something like 49
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