so the loop goes executes about 1082 times im trying to start a new line every 71st character, and remove excess white spaces from my text file. I also want to output the total line in the textfile. Can someone please explain this how you would do this.
int reformat(int length, ifstream& ist, ofstream& ost) {
int Max_length=0;
int reset=0;
if (ist) {
ifstream ist ("story1.txt");
int ch;
while((ch = ist.get()) != EOF){
int length=70;
cout <<"Please enter input txt file name to be formatted:\n ";
string iname;
cin >> iname;
ifstream ist(iname.c_str()); // ist is an input stream for the file named name
if (!ist) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
cout <<"Please enter name of txt output file to for the new formatted version:\n";
string oname;
cin >>oname;
ofstream ost(oname.c_str()); // ost is an output stream for a file named name
if (!ost) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
@shysan21: That is integer division, 1/71 = 0. It would be better to have (Max_length%71 == 0).
I think reseting the variable make more sense too, if Max_length is never reset then eventually it will overflow.
I would have:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
while(ist.get(ch) { // EOF is taken care of by this operation
if (ch != '\s' && ch != '\t'){ // Add whatever white space you don't want printed
if (Max_length==71) { // Make sure to have two = signs here
Max_length= 0 ; // No need for a reset variable, just make it zero