7-10 Salary Array
Design an array that lists the salaries for ten salary grades. Write a function that will give each grade a
fixed dollar raise, and a function that gives a specified percentage increase to each grade.
Part of the assignment involves imagining what an application is for an advanced array. Hint: think of a multi-dimensional table.
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
double perraise ( double a )
{double percent;
percent = a * 1.15;
return percent;}
double fixraise ( double b )
{double fixed;
fixed = b + 2000.00;
return fixed;}
int main()
constint FIXEDRAISE = 10, PERCENTRAISE = 10;
double grade;
cout << "Enter 10 salary grades and I will give each a fixed dollar and a percentage increase raise for you to compare.\n";
for(int n =1; n < FIXEDRAISE ; n++)
{cout << "Tell me a salary grade: \n";
cin >> Salary[fixraise(grade)][perraise(grade)];}
Heyy, this is my code so far. i was wondering if it seems okay so far?
i get this error error c2108:subscript is not of integral type at the last line cin >> Salary[fixraise(grade)][perraise(grade)];}
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
double perraise ( double a )
{double percent;
percent = a * 1.15;
return percent;}
double fixraise ( double b )
{double fixed;
fixed = b + 2000.00;
return fixed;}
int main()
double Salary[FIXEDRAISE][2]= {{0},{0}};
double grade;
cout << "Enter 10 salary grades and I will give each a fixed dollar and a percentage increase raise for you to compare.\n";
for(int n =0; n < FIXEDRAISE ; n++)
{cout << "Tell me a salary grade: \n";
int j=0;
//n spot j 2 spaces 0,1 for perraise return and fixed raise return
//j++ increment after stored
Salary[n][j++]=perraise(grade);//j =0
//j=1 need to increment j or i could have used a for loop
//j=2 not really need could of just left it j for this one
for(int n =0; n < FIXEDRAISE ; n++)
{cout << "PRINTING ARRAY.\n";
int j=0;
cout<<"["<<n<<"]"<<"["<<j<<"]"<<"P Raise: "<<Salary[n][j]<<" ";
cout<<"["<<n<<"]"<<"[ "<<j<<"]"<<"Fixed Raise: "<<Salary[n][j]<<endl;
return 0;
perhaps I'm missing something-
cin >> Salary[fixraise(grade)][perraise(grade)];}
- Why do you have brackets, especially around
maybe it's just a vector and I'm not use to them, or it's
an array - in which case the code won't work.
it would be better to write and debug if you had separate fnc's ;
one for fixed and another for "%"
Personally, I would have placed the 10 people and base salarys into either a table or a file, then ask at the start of the program :
What $ amt ? , & What % amt ?
then read the data
and print base-salary (n), new $ amt(n), new % amt (n)
for all 10 people- - in a FOR loop (n = 0; n <10; n++)
-1- global vars
-2- MAIN()
-3- local vars
-4- loop 10 times
-5- read value(n)
-6- float fnc calc dollar(amt)
-7- float fnc calc-pct(amt)
if you want to use a 2-D array,
then you could have the base salary stored in a 1-D array
float a_BaseSalary[10]= 30K, 20k, 27K, 33k, 62K, 30K, 20k, 27K, 33k, 12K
Just basically returning variable from function storing it into the array.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
// the 0,0 stuff just sets everything in the array to 0.
double Salary[FIXEDRAISE][2]= {{0},{0}}
//n spot j 2 spaces 0,1 for perraise return and fixed raise return
//j++ increment after stored
Salary[n][j++]=perraise(grade);//j =0
//j=1 need to increment j or i could have used a for loop
//j=2 not really need could of just left it j for this one