I dont understand the concept of C++

Hello im new to programing and have been through numerous tutorials books and other sources, and they tell me what is going on and what things are happening. I can get through a whole section on something but not still not have any idea how to write the code? Am i misssing something??
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Follow along with these guys tutorials, they are easy to understand and its how i learned C++:

#1. Installing Code::Blocks (C++ Compiler)


#2. Understanding a simple program


#3. More on printing text


He has 73 c++ videos so be sure to check them out.
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you just buy the How to programm C++ Diettel&Diettel and after reading this you may take another refrence book object oriented programming By Ira pohl
1. Read these short tutorials

2. Forget what you read about goto

3. Start writing some super basic exercises:
a. Print "Hello World" in the console
b. get two numbers and output the sum of those two numbers
c. make a Celsius to Fahrenheit converter
d. list all of the prime numbers less than 100
e. list all of the prime numbers between two inputs

4. Ask for help when you need it here and look up other simple exercises.

As you get better, the exercises will get more complicated.

I am going through wibit.net
They are great for learning and FREE!
Good Luck
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