error in calling a function

hello my program showing an error my printStudent(alpha); is not calling the
function to print out the information.
Can some help thanks

//write a program that create struct of 4 members
//and declare array of 20 struct objects

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

const int amt = 20;
struct student
string firstName;
string lastName;
string add;
int id;
struct classRecord
string courseName;
string teacher;
string school;
int numMale;
int numFemale;
student myStudent[20];

classRecord() // my default constructor
courseName = "CPTR 151";
teacher = "Mr. Hunte";
school = "USC";
numMale = 10;
numFemale = 1;
void printStudent(student classA[])
int x;
for(x = 0; x < 20; x++)
}//end for
}// end void
//declare variable
student mystudent[20] ={""};

//declare main
int main()
string alpha[amt];
int a;
for(a =0; a < 20; a++)
cout<<"Enter your first name: ";
cout<<"Enter your last name: ";
cout<<"Enter your Address: ";
cout<<"Enter your school Id: ";
//declare function

return 0;

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alpha is an array of string, but the function printStudent expects an array of student.
so how do i re state it
See that array of student you have? Pass it that instead.
sorry i i am not following what array of student
student myStudent[20];
That array of student.
so it be passed as
printStudent(student myStudent)
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