So, I wrote my very first program in c++ this week which goes through a few directories on my computer, pulls out 5 random video files, and then opens them up in the video player "Totem".
Now, I am looking on expanding this so I can use it on my laptop to ssh into my desktop computer and browse / play the files from there onto my laptop. I have done this using PHP without any problems but I can't seam to figure out how to do it in c++.
The 2 basic things I want to do is:
1) Connect to an ssh server with a pre-defined host, username, and password.
2) Iterate over some directories (recursively) and pull out file names.
Since I really have no idea what I am doing in c++, I am looking for some very basic examples of how this could be done. I have googled around for quite some time but I have not found anything that a) compiles and b) isn't insanity that I don't understand yet.