Just started with c++

Hello fellow- programmers :D ... I jist started learning c++ from an online free tutorial page (you will find it if you click "learn c++" in google and hit the first option that comes up). In my opinion, it's pretty good but without personalized instructions it's getting harder and harder as I proceed to hard stuff. Can you guys suggest any other website that offers help via a tutor maybe? or do you know any websites that you consider better than the one I wrote down? Keep in mind guys that I'm 17 years old and I cannot yet afford to pay anything... If you can give me advice it's pretty important that it is free whatever it is. I'd pretty much like if someone could suggest any free tutros or something... Or even if an experienced user could communicate with me from time to time to help me improve my understanding. Thank you guys beforehand :D
Just get yourself a good book such as the C++ Primer. If you want a free one, read "Thinking in C++".

Tutors don't come free, but you can ask questions about specific things anytime on a forum like this one.
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As with anything in life, you generally get exactly what you pay for, but there are some reasonably good resources floating around the web for anyone with enough patience to keep on looking & reading.

This site: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
Bruce Eckel's free e-book "Thinking in C++" : http://mindview.net/Books/TICPP/ThinkingInCPP2e.html
Cprogramming.com tutorials: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/

And of course, google is an almost limitless reference.
thanks you very, very much for your quick replies. I'll probably read the tutorials you guys mentioned and then download the books you referred to (or buy them :P).

int main()
using namespace std;
cout << "Thank you guys" << endl;
return 0;
:D :D :D :D
If you have short, simple questions, I'd be willing to help you when I can. Contact me on Skype. My username is the same as on here.
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