help with this question

please I'm still new to the whole c++ language, and I was hoping someone would help me how to write this program please. here is the question ........

"Let us assume you have in your wallet a sum of money (in dollars). Your wallet contains traditional dollar bills (of $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100). Relative to the sum of money you have, your wallet will contain a minimum number of banknotes (bills). For instance: if you have in your wallet the sum $498, the wallet will contain four bills of $100, one bill of $50, two bills of $20, one bill of $5, and three bills of $1. (Although, e.g., 498 bills of $1 represent the same amount, this would contradict the condition of having a minimum number of banknotes.) Write a C++ program having as input the sum of money in your wallet, as an integer number read from the keyboard. (You may assume that the wallet cannot contain negative amounts of money.) Your program must compute and print the number of each type of dollar

bill (that is, of $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100) in your wallet; also, it must print the total number of banknotes
i assume you tried something yourself?
Could you please show us?

And to give a tip: try to fit the largest bill in the total of dollars:

33 dollars total
20 dollar bill is largest fit -> remainder is 13
10 dollar bill is largest fit -> remainder is 3
1 dollar bill is largest fit -> remainder is 2
1 dollar bill is largest fit -> remainder is 1
1 dollar bill is largest fit -> remainder is 0
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