Please help

Ok so I have no idea what i'm doing wrong but it seems that every time i program i always get unresolved external errors. Last time it was because I only used function and didn't really use my main, therefore I left it out and apparently you can't do that. This time i have no idea what it is. Below is my code... if you can help me figure it out that would be much appreciated. I am just not getting the hang of this coding/programming thing at all.

#include <iostream>

#define Max_Array_Size 10 //defines the maximum size of the array

//Pre-defined functions needed for this program

void PrintArry(int arryData[]);//this will print the array data when asked
void Mix_It_Up(int arryData[]);//you need this to mix up the values to make data unsorted

void SelectionSort(int arryData[]);//the is the function that will perform the selection sort on the array
void BubbleSort(int arryData[]);//this is the function that will perform the bubble sort on the array
void InsertionSort(int arryData[]);//this is the function that will perform the insertion sort on the array

//before every sort function we use the mix it up function to mix the data within the array, otherwise sorting would be pointless
int main()
int arryData[Max_Array_Size]; //this is our array

Mix_It_Up(arryData); //this will fill the array with random data
std::cout << "Data Before Sorting...." ;

//scans array and on each pass, pulls the next value in line.
std::cout << "Data before Selection Sort....";

Mix_It_Up(arryData); //this will fill the array with random data
std::cout << "Data Before Sorting...." ;

//bubble sorts compare adjacent cells and swaps them if they are in the wrong order
std::cout << "Data before Bubble Sort....";

Mix_It_Up(arryData); //this will fill the array with random data
std::cout << "Data Before Sorting...." ;

//sorts one element at a time
std::cout << "Data before Insertion Sort....";

return 0;

void Mix_It_Up(int arryData[])
for(int i = 0; i<Max_Array_Size; i++) //use for loop to walk the array
arryData[i] = rand() % 20+1; //this is the data we will use in our array
}//end for loop
}//end of function

void PrintData(int arryData[])
for(int i =0; i < Max_Array_Size; i++)
std::cout<< arryData[i]<< " " ; //this will print out the contents of the array
}//end of function

void SelectionSort(int arryData[])
//present_cell is the current cell within the array
//smallest is the smallest number within the array
//holdData is a temporary storage
//walker is the thing we use to walk the array
int Present_Cell, smallest, holdData, walker;

for(Present_Cell = 0; Present_Cell < Max_Array_Size; Present_Cell++) //we set the current cell to array 0
smallest = Present_Cell; //we make smallest = to the current cell so we may compare it to the next
for(walker = Present_Cell +1; walker <= Max_Array_Size; walker ++) //for loop is used to check smallest against other cells
if(arryData[walker] < arryData[smallest]) //if the walker is less than smallest
smallest = walker; //then we swap them, so now walker>smallest
holdData = arryData[Present_Cell]; //we use the holdData to hold the data within the current cell
arryData[Present_Cell] = arryData[smallest]; //then we set current to smallest so we may again check against other cells
arryData[smallest] = holdData; //then make smallest equal to the holdData, so now smallest is again the smallest
}//end second for loop
}//end first for loop
}//end function

void BubbleSort(int arryData[])
//Present_Cell is the current cell within the array, walker is what we use to walk the array, temp is a temporary holder.
int walker, Present_Cell, temp;
bool sorted = false; //use boolean because the list is either sorted or not, true or false

for(Present_Cell = 0, sorted = false; Present_Cell <= Max_Array_Size && !sorted; Present_Cell++)//when you are at array 0 the list is not sorted
if(arryData[walker] < arryData[walker-1])//if array @ walker is < walker-1
sorted = false; //then array is not sorted
temp = arryData[walker]; //we use temp to store the walker
arryData[walker]= arryData[walker-1];//now walker is equal to walker-1
arryData[walker-1] = temp; //walker-1 is now equal to temp
}//end if statement
}//end function

void InsertionSort(int arryData[])
//Present_Cell is the current cell in array, holdData is used to temp hold data, walker is used to walk array
int Present_Cell, holdData, walker;

for(Present_Cell = 1; Present_Cell <= Max_Array_Size; Present_Cell++)//start at 1 not 0
holdData = arryData[Present_Cell]; //make holdData hold the current cell
for(walker = Present_Cell - 1; walker >= 0 && holdData < arryData[walker]; walker--)
arryData[walker+1] = arryData[walker]; //walker+1 = walker
arryData[walker+1] = holdData;//walker+1 now = hold slot
}//end for loop
}//end function

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You declare a function void PrintArry(int arryData[]);. You try to call it in main, but you never define it. That is the source of your problem.

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