Accessing LPTSTR pointer string characters

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition with Windows 7 64 bit edition.

I want to write a sub-routine to scroll text passed to the subroutine via a LPTSTR pointer parameter.

The subroutine prototype is:-
void ScrollText(HDC hdc,int x,int y, LPTSTR string);

The intention is to print the string text to the window specified in the HDC command at the x and y co-ordinates passed to the subroutine.

The actual calling code looks like this:-
ScrollText(hdc,100,670,L"This is a demonstration of how to scroll text");

In the subroutine,I want to re-access the text associated with the pointer so that I can manipulate it with the C++ equivalent of Visual Basic's LEFT$,MID$ and RIGHT$ commands to create the effect of scrolling by constantly moving the left character of the string to the opposite end of the string and then re-displaying it on screen in a loop.

Unfortunately, at present I cannot find a character type or method to use to access the LPTSTR pointer text passed in the calling code.

Can anyone help please? TIA.
It might be the best idea to use microsoft typedefs when working with their typedefs.
Since you seem to have unicode on, LPTSTR is a WCHAR*. Everything is like with usual char*. If you want to use standard functions like strcmp or etc. I think there are equivalents with str replaced by wcs (like wcscmp, see )
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Thanks for that, hamsterman. I've printed out the pages for the two links and I'll try using the WCHAR* and some of the wcs functions you suggest.Thanks again for your help.
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