2d character array, alphabetical sort. help please!!

I have a 2d array that has been loaded from a file. Now, The file can contain as many words as desired and the program has to sort it in alphabetical order. The header for the sort function must look like this: void sort_words(char english_array[][SIZE],char french_array[][SIZE], int row_number){}

now, I have tried converting this array into a string array but I cant find a good way to sort it that way either.. I can sort the first column of characters and rearrange them but it gets confusing as soon as I step into the further ones.

ex. when the first word has 5 characters and the second one has 6 characters, I get a funny character in the place of the empty one. I have been sitting on this for 2 days now and I cant figure it out. This is due this wednesday, so any help will be gladly appreciated!!!
I hope I explained it clearly. Thanks!

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