C++ programming PROJECT HELP PLS T_T

so we were tasked to make a basic program....(but our teacher did not discussed anything about C++ damn) we took up the JUDGING/SCORING program...the criterias for judging...like performance, audience impact, gracefulness etc... ( or u can give me any better idea???that we or ece students can use in our everyday living?? PLEASE..FEBRUARY 29 is our submission :( and we got documentation sigh)

can anyone teach me how to make a program that will help the USER to pick Criteria and let him ASSIGN the corresponding Values or percentage?? like>>>

performance.... n*.5

something like that?? is it possible??? is it hard?? can anyone pls help me im begging all of you :( thanks in advance PLEASE :(
I don't understand your project.. can you be more specific? Do you want to have a list of students for each of whom you input a number for "performance", another for "costume", and then you can look at the scores later?
Post your assignment instructions. Don't interpret, just copy and paste.
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