Error identifier "xxxx" is undefined

Trying to fix the error below not sure why I am getting it.

I overloaded the >> istream in my CTest class

CTest ::CTest (string name, int id, string color) //constructor
ifstream & operator>>(ifstream & fin, CTest & rhs) //header 

This is in my main
ifstream fin = openInput("file.txt");
... code reading data from fin...
CTest temp("name",1,"color"); //no errors here 
fin >> temp; //Error identifier temp is undefined 

Yes, I included all the header files
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have you declared fin somewhere?
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Yes fin has been declared, but it is saying "temp is undefined"
is there any code of the constructor ?
maybe you have done something wrong in there
Do you have defined a default ctor? Can you test your operator>> with an object created with this?

I think you can post more code if you want to get some help.
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