std::cout <<""<< endl << endl;
std::cout << "Hello, i'm IRIS what can i do for you ?" << endl;
std::cout <<"Don't know what to do ? Press 'H' "<< endl;
std::cin >> UserInput[1];
case '1':{
cout <<"The time is: " << "" << endl << endl; //Later wordt er op de plek "" de tijd gezet...
case 'H':{
Thanks a lot @ciphermagi but it keeps saying that the Variable R is being used without being initialized?
I know what it means but I just can't get it working properly...
It is directing to RofQ(R) when it gives me the error code.
You never assign a value to R before you pass it. You call rofQ(R), without a value being assigned to R. Generally, that would just assign garbage to R, but it looks as if your compiler is being nice.