Here is how our implementation will work: [b](1) The program will ask the user to enter a filename from the console. (Just like the last assignment).[/b] [b](2) The initial configuration will be read in from a file, which will be a 12 by 30 two-dimensional array of characters. The game board will be surrounded by all O's.[/b] (3) The game will be played on 10 by 28 two-dimensional array. (Can you guess why?). A period ('.') will represent a dead cell and an 'X' will represent a live cell.
You will be severely penalized if your program does not have at least three functions.
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I need help on the last part of the assignment. I have the inital file in a 12 by 30 array. Now I need to finish the assignment by having the game being played on a 10 by 28 array.
Here is what the first file "life01.txt" looks like: