wont load menu

okay i am creating a game of pong and i cant get my menu to load their is no errors in my code that i can see but i am new so here is the codes for my main function and my menu fuction.

main function here:

// SDL_App.cpp : Defines the entry point for our Project
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include "GL_Functions.h"
#include "pctimer.h"
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

//Lets open the window and initialise opengl
int background = LoadTexture ("./images/background.png");
int mball = LoadTexture ("./images/mball.png");
int leftpaddle_2 = LoadTexture ("./images/paddle_2.png");
int rightpaddle_1 = LoadTexture ("./images/paddle_1.png");
//int menu = LoadTexture ("./images/menu.png");

// 'M' stand for metroid....
float backgroundx = 0;
float backgroundy = 0;
float mballx = 492;
float mbally = 384;
float ballxspeed = 4;
float ballyspeed = 2;
float rightpaddle_x = 990;
float rightpaddle_y = 20;
float leftpaddle_x = 15;
float leftpaddle_y = 450;
float ballrside = mballx + 40;
float position = 0;
float paddle_width = 5;
float paddle_length = 15;
float ball_width = 2.5;
float ball_length = 5;
//float menu = 0;

//Clear the screen, so previous frames don't build up

mballx = mballx + ballxspeed;
mbally = mbally + ballyspeed;

//////////draws images to screen////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DrawSprite(background, backgroundx, backgroundy, 1024, 768); //////////////
DrawLine(512,0,512,768); //////////////
DrawSprite(mball, mballx, mbally, 40, 40); //////////////
DrawSprite(leftpaddle_2, leftpaddle_x, leftpaddle_y, 20, 100); ////////////
DrawSprite(rightpaddle_1, rightpaddle_x, rightpaddle_y, 20, 100); //////////

// int iHighscore[6}
// int iScore = 0
// char scorestring[] = "score"
// while (iscore < 6)
// printf("Highscore: %i %i/n"), (iScore+1), iHighscore[iScore]);
// ++iScore;
// for{
// (int iHighscore = 0;, iHighscore < 10, iHighscore++)
// printf(
// }

// ball speed/control

if (mballx > 984)
mballx = 492;
mbally = 384;
ballxspeed *= -1;

if ( mballx < 0)
mballx = 492;
mbally = 384;
ballxspeed *= -1;

if (mbally > 1024 || mbally < 0)
ballyspeed *= -.5;

// controls for players one and two
// player one's controls ( 'w' and 's')
// player two's controls ( 'up' and 'down')

if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP))
rightpaddle_y = rightpaddle_y -5;
if( rightpaddle_y < 0 )
rightpaddle_y = 0;

if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN) && rightpaddle_y < 668)
rightpaddle_y = rightpaddle_y +5;

if (IsKeyDown('w') && leftpaddle_x > 0)
leftpaddle_y = leftpaddle_y -5;

if (IsKeyDown('s') && leftpaddle_x < 668)
leftpaddle_y = leftpaddle_y +5;

// closes program down atfer user presses escape!
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE))

//limit paddles so that stay with in boundaries placed
//well they would if i could program
if(leftpaddle_y < 0)
leftpaddle_y = 0;

if(leftpaddle_y + paddle_width > 668)
leftpaddle_y = 668 - paddle_width;

if(rightpaddle_y + paddle_width > 668)
rightpaddle_y = 668 - paddle_width;
//ball impact values below
//makes ball go bouncy bouncy
//collision is ment to be here...
if(ball_length + ball_width > paddle_width + paddle_length)
mballx,mbally = 0;

//these do stuff
//without them game crashes....no idea why
//fiddling around with collision and these were results

if(mballx > rightpaddle_x + rightpaddle_y)

if(mballx = leftpaddle_x - position && leftpaddle_y > ball_width)

if(mbally = rightpaddle_x + position && rightpaddle_x > ball_width)
//Stop it from running too fast! Sleep ZZzzz

} while (FrameworkUpdate()); //Do some secret stuff,


//Close down


return 0;

menu function here:

// SDL_App.cpp : Defines the entry point for our Project
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include "GL_Functions.h"
#include "pctimer.h"
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>

enum STATE
MAINMENU, // will take user to main menu at start of game or during
SINGLEPLAYER, // one player mode
MULTIPLAYER, // player vs player mode
HIGHSCORES, //lists high score
INSTRUCTIONS, // opens the options menu
QUIT // when user presses escape key program closes

STATE currentstate;

void main(int argc, char* argv[])
//Opens the window
InitGL(1024, 768);

//The selectors texture load and X,Y values
int Arrow = LoadTexture("./images/arrow.png");
int ArrowY = 250;
int Arrowx = 150;
float Rot = 0;

const int MAINMENU = 0;
const int SINGLEPLAYER = 1;

currentstate == MAINMENU;
bool bcontinueGame = true;

while (bcontinueGame)
bcontinueGame = MAINMENU;
bcontinueGame = SINGLEPLAYER;
case QUIT:


//Clear Screen

//Headings and menu items///////////////////////////////////////////////////
DrawString("METROID PONG", 64, 64, 5.0f); ////////////////////////////////
DrawString("1. Singleplayer", 64, 256, 3.0f); /////////////////////////////
DrawString("2. Multiplayer", 64, 384, 3.0f); //////////////////////////////
DrawString("3. Instructions", 64, 400, 3.0f); ////////////////////////////
DrawString("4. High Scores", 64, 512, 3.0f); /////////////////////////////
DrawString("5. Exit", 64, 640, 3.0f); /////////////////////////////

//The selector
DrawSpriteRotated(Arrow, 32, ArrowY, 32, 32, Rot += 200.0f);

//Moving the selector
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN))
ArrowY = ArrowY + 100;

if (ArrowY > 700)
ArrowY = 250;

if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP))
ArrowY = ArrowY - 100;

if (ArrowY < 255)
ArrowY = 250;

//Slows the game

//Do some secret stuff
while (FrameworkUpdate());

//Clean up after yourself

//Close down


i not sure if i linked them properly either and on a side note i dont have any collision going cause i cant figure that out but thats for another day, just want to know how to get my menu to work,
also using vs 2010 if that is relivante to anyone.

so yea any help would be great!!!
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