Multiple Choice aPI

im looking for an API or Library etc. that allows me to toggle between multiple objects in console to return a choice. for instance in the bootup of a PC after a crash the recovery BIOS opens and you are displayed the options of:

Run Windows
Run in Safe Mode
Run in Safe Mode(with networking)

and you are able to toggle between the 3 choice with the up/down arrow key.
i need a way to do this in a console program.

thx community
You can do it with any console lib that allows you to print to a given coordinate and accept individual keypresses as input.

NCurses or PDCurses are such libs.

They probably don't have anything that's as specific as a multichoice menu option, but you can make your own with more generic techniques.

Basically what you do is you listen for arrow key presses. When you get one, you reprint the 2 lines of text (the prev selection and the new selection).
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