Learning c++

Hi all ,

I am new to c++ and have set myself a goal of spending most of my spare time to this task for the next year ! To be honest most people i have told have said this is lunacy and to learn a high level programming language will take alot of effort ( Normal people dont understand that some of us dont fear work ethic but view obstacles as a means to test ourselves )

I am currently reading two c++ books ( Accelerated c++, a detailed slow moving beginner book , and a second lightning read intro book c++ in easy steps )

My first comments are that the tw0 although both aimed at the beginners market are entirely different in their approach and both have their pros and cons. I am currently on page 40 of accelerated c++ and have found myself rereading it and absorbing the knowledge ( which takes some time ) , whereas the c++ in easy steps is more blitz style intro where to actually take any understanding rather than memorization away from it you need to log on to youtube and research the modules ( incidentally i am on page 70 if that book ). I have read alot and reread alot, i feel like im breaking through! If anyone had their top three beginners topics in c++ what would they Be.... PS i expect to not really understand c++ at all until i reach 1000 study hours which will be by chriistmas i hope , i can dedicated alot of time to things im a solitary INTJ personality type with a wharped sense of whats important LOL PS i aim around 40 hours into this monumental task and loving it TRUE SADISM
Good for you! Glad to see that, most importantly, you're enjoying what you're doing.

I don't think I can narrow it down into three beginners topics. C++ is a vast language and different things are important for different requirements. Just trying to understand something thoroughly rather than kid yourself that you do. And if you don't understand something, don't sweat - this board is an excellent resource for learning C++.

One thing I will say, don't worry about being so rigid about the amount of hours you're putting in. C++, like everything, comes differently to different people. Some people are naturally better at it, some may struggle, some learn things one way, some another. More reading hours doesn't necessarily equate to a better knowledge of the subject.

So welcome, enjoy and feel free to ask away.
Loops are my favourite.
Especially for loops and arrays.
Especially nested for loops and arrays.
Are you familiar with Programming?

If no background in programming, i really don't have a good suitable book fro you, but if you have programmed before, getting into Class objects and pointers would be huge
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Loops are useful tools. Arrays are useful tools. Both are highly procedural.

My favorite tool is pure virtual superclasses and polymorphic library structures.

Edit: I suppose if I had to pick three things, it would be:
Dynamic Libraries
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