fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file

ok, ive ran out of ideas and im asking you guys for help... out of nowhere i started getting this error while trying to compile the release version of my little game im working on so i could send it to my friends and have them test it out/debug it but now i cant get it to compile in a release format. ive looked all over the internet and tried everything i could find/think of but with little success... i dont if im just doing something wrong or what but if anybody here could help me with this issue i would be greatly appreciative. and im sure ill be coming back here for help with my actual game code in the near future aswell haha.
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We cant tell you the issue without the problem code
its not an issue with the code though, its a linker problem that just sort of popped up out of nowhere, like other site say that i have to designate some kind of path because the compiler cant find a file/library or something like that but the code works fine. if im misunderstanding then what kind of code would cause the issue? because id be more than happy to post it then

edit: forgot to post this initially but this is the exact error
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'K:\PROGRAMMING\CodeBreaker\Release.obj'
the name of my game is called codebreaker btw and its kept in my programming folder
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to anyone having the same issue, ive figured out how to fix it.
simply go into the folder were your program files are saved and delete all the release folders. i tried this before without success but thats because i only deleted one of the release folders. turns out that there were actually 2 release folders that i had to delete, after doing that it now works just fine.
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