Games in C++

We have to make games on c++ for our school project. We have been thought Loops,arrays,structure,basic stuff and functions. If there is a way to make games like tic-tac-toe,hangman,word guessing games using these concept then please help.i've searched internet but got some complex programs. We make,complie and run our programs in turbo c++ 3.0 . I also wanted to ask if we could tur .cpp into .exe or something executable without turbo c++. Thanx

We have been thought Loops,arrays,structure,basic stuff and functions.

That is kind of vague. By basic stuff, have you learned about classes? Operator overloading? File I/O?

Anyway, from the few subjects you have covered, you can make any simple game, really.

Pick a game.

You could probably even make checkers, though that would be a project larger than is needed for a basic programming course.

We make,complie and run our programs in turbo c++ 3.0 . I also wanted to ask if we could tur .cpp into .exe or something executable without turbo c++. Thanx

Do you have access to a compiler outside of the classroom? You need a compiler to create the executable, but you could use any compiler. The problem is that Turbo C++ 3.0 is very old and modern C++ might not compile under Turbo C++ 3.0 and Turbo C++ 3.0 code might get flagged left and right with errors and warning on a modern compiler.
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As far as I know, you must use a compiler to compiler all your project files into an exe.
You can make tic toe fairly easily. The other two require some more string knowledge. How much do you with strings?
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