How to use Arrays to keep track of gigantic numbers

I am planning on creating a prime number generator, my only problem is this: how am I going to keep track of the gigantic prime numbers? I want to use an array

int *key1 = new int;
int *key2 = new int;
int x = 0;

for (x=0;x<1025;x++){
   key1[x] = ((int)rand())%10;
   key2[x] = ((int)rand())%10;

but here's my other problem: how am I going to manipulate the array? Do I treat it as a matrix or something else? I am pretty sure I can't just use it as a single large number, but what am I going to do?
Try: unsigned long long int x = 18446744073709551615UL; //64-bit integer
The UL means Unsigned Long long
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I need bigger numbers than that to use in any reasonable cryptography uses. it would take a minimum of 212 bit key (4096 bit) or 2 of 500 digit primes to generate a public key long enough to warrant a sufficient sense of security. I know how to generate the numbers, what I need to know is how to multiply, divide, modulus, raise, and do complex math to the numbers.
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I'd recommend not reinventing the wheel and just going with a bignum library. For example: - You can use something like ttmath::UInt<TTMATH_BITS(4096)>
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