Looking to improve my programming

Hi everyone,

I have just started out with C++ programming and am looking for some advice from you as to how to improve. I have taken an Intro to C++ Programming class (at the undergraduate level). So right now I have learned something about pointers, classes, inheritance, polymorphism, etc., though I have not had a lot of practice - just simple programs.
I do not want to restrict myself to what I learn in the class and want to keep learning more. I thought I will start off with a book and after searching the net, I zeroed in on two books:
C++ Primer (Lippman et al)
Accelerated C++ (Koenig & Moo)
Which of these books are a better read? I want to learn more but I do not want to spend time on things that I have already learned. I started reading C++ primer, but after ~100 pages I realized I had not learnt a lot of new things. I kind of feel it is going at a slower pace since that book goes a little deep. That is why I was wondering if Accelerated C++ would be a better choice for me.
Or should I try learning by trying to solve problems and go back to these books as a reference to learn about things that I did not know. Like a learn by problem-solving approach?

I would really appreciate any comments and suggestions that you can give.

Professional C++ 2nd Edition was written without discussion of the true basics of C++, and starts with the design aspects that happen before your IDE is even opened, and then goes into an in depth discussion of the STL, classes, inheritance, polymorphism, writing templates, STL algorithms, exceptions, operator overloading (and that's only the first half or so of the book).

It's up to date on the new C++11 standard, and also has it's own support website along with free support direct from the authors and code samples.
I thoroughly recommend: Accelerated C++ (Koenig & Moo)
Thank you for your replies.
I will check out the Professional C++ book and try to get a hand on it. It does look like something that I am looking for. Hopefully the library has it :)
Else I will work with Accelerated C++ I suppose

Thanks again
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