I need help badly.

I am a post transfer student in my third year of programming and got transferred into a university that uses C++ while my old college used C# and Visual Basic. I was told constantly that C# and C++ syntax was quite alike so I figured it shouldn't be too hard to catch up in, heres where my problem begins..

I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON ASIDE FROM THE ACTUAL theories and some syntax, but they are doing 3rd year C++ when I have no C++ experience. Just the relative programming knowledge

So the question: what is the easiest way to learn either a book or a website
This will help you out tremendously http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/ as well as the tutorials on this website.

C# is managed code, garbage collection for memory etc., I would definitely go through the basics all over again. You already know the concepts from C#.

Things like how variables are passed, by reference by pointer by value. In C# there is passing a value type by reference/value and a reference type by value/reference, this concept is not the same in c++.
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I would use both. You could learn some here on this site and go further with a c++ book. I recoment this one


Or you could go with the 5th edition
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The syntax the similar, but C++ uses a lot of different concepts than C#, for example C++ doesn't support a garbage collector and requires explicit deallocation of allocated memory. From what I remember about using C# you're going to have quite a hard time making the transition.
Thanks I'll check both of those out, and yeah I have a feeling this is going to be a shitty semester
Go through the documentation on this site, then grab a good book like Effective C++ for Scott Meyers, or C++ primer.
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