Need Good Books.

hello seniors,
i need a lot of great books, not on programming in specific computer languages, but on "programming concepts", "how it works?", "how it is created?", "Tips" etc.
things like that, i want to begin coding from the very beginning.
it would be very helpful if you guys suggest some good books.
thanks. :)
I believe Grey Wolf wrote an article some time ago with a couple of lists of good books on both C++ and more generic algorithms. If you think you might find something there that'll be helpful, here's the article:

Good luck!

It's not a book, but...


It's very good.

If you find C++ difficult, you should try an easier language like Python. I wouldn't say C++ is the best language for beginners, but it's not so hard too.

Python is simpler though.
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markode wrote:
...but on "programming concepts", "how it works?", "how it is created?", "Tips" etc.

There are a few books that I can think of that may come under that category, such as (in no particular order):
Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction
by Steve McConnell

Practical Development Environments
by Matthew B. Doar

The Pragmatic Programmer
by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas

The Object-Oriented Thought Process
by Matt Weisfeld

But if you are totally new to programming start with something like:
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++
by Bjarne Stroustrup
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Thanks guys, i think i should read "pragmatic programmer" first.
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