Am I just stupid?

Pages: 12
closed account (z05DSL3A)

They are all IDEs. Command line interface is the 'DOS Box' way , where you type the commands in not point and click.

e.g. At the command line prompt you may type cl /EHsc simple.cpp and press Enter.
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Oh, yes I remember now, from when I was a kid, dad used to know a few commands in MS-DOS. That stuff was hardcore.
Thanks guys, this helped a lot, I'm using the Code::Block, Now.. how do I code a crisis 3? :D
All my code is in perpetual crisis.
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On page 3 of cplusplus's tutorial and that's about all I'm getting.
Hey avragehuman , Now u have an IDE & a great tutorial !!
But if u ask me , I will say don't depend on this tutorial only !!
practice is the key to be a good programmer !!
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Pages: 12