I need a project

Ok so, I've been programming for a bit now. I'm a CS major, and I'm to the point of trying to find internships or just a job in the field in general. I don't have much for projects that I can put on my resume though, so I figure I should do something significant? Anyone have any ideas?
Shameless self bump.
Project Euler! 360+ mind numbingly difficult problems (at least for me).
I actually go there on my free time lol. Though I feel like that's not really resume worthy material.
You should probably try solving a math prob like Simpson's rule,Taylor's method of expansion,Newton Raphson's Solution or juss pick a random math prob.NOT picking for you tho' juss tryna suggest what might actually work
It seems as if these mathematical problems would be better suited if I was applying for an engineering type programming internship. The place I'm looking at right now does software for hospitals, I'm a math major as well, so I'm sure they can already see I have decent math skills. I think a system of some type would be better, but I have no idea what
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