ok i posted a question last night and got a GREAT response that really cleared things up for me, so i thought i would try again... i know i should read through the documentation first, but i was hoping for a quick response for my project... is there a way to write a class member function either in or out of the constructor itself that allows for user input of the data? since the typical instantiation method enters the data automatically class classobj(data,data,data...) i was wondering if you could call a function in that field instead, allowing the data to be entered and returned ... and i DON'T want the actual code lines written for me!! if you could give a PDL or basic description or even a yes or no, i would like to kinda figure out the code myself, as a pet project... and before i even see an answer... THANKS!
to kinda continue... i had this function written up, but couldn't get it to wkr... i was having problems getting ANYTHNG to work, so it may have been my own fault, not the base code's fault but her eit is..
void inputClass(mo&,dy&,yr&)
int a;
bool b=0;
while (b==0)
cout<<"Please enter a number between 1-12 for current month: "<<endl;
if (mo<1 || mo>12)
cout<< "the number you entered is invalid, please re-enter:"<<endl;
cout<<"Please enter a number between 1-31 for current day: "<<endl;
if (dy<1 || dy>31)
cout<<"the number you entered is invalid, please re-enter:"<<endl;
cout<<"Please enter a number between 1950-2020 for current year: "<<endl;
if (yr<1950 || yr>2020)
cout<<"the number you entered is invalid, please re-enter:"<<endl;
cout<<"you entered"<<mo<<""-""<<dy<<""-""<<yr<<"is this correct?"<<endl;
cout<<"press 1 to exit"<< endl;
while(a !=1)
cout<<"try again"<<endl;
now i know the inputs on the function header are prolly wrong, but i was wondering more if i could use this somewhere and get it to work during construction..
As Catfish points out, the parameter's you have there need to be adusted.
While it's certainly possible to do what your're asking, I wouldn't recommend it. It's better to have your input separate from the innards of the class as much as possible. What you might consider is a function like:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Date getDate()
int m, d, y ;
// get values for m, d and y.
return Date(m,d,y);
And then, whenever you need a Date from user input:
so perform the input as a separate function instead of a member function? and do it after i've created the object?
or use it as a member function after the constructor?
your suggestion code reads like you mean a separate function in int main, am i right?