Microsoft visual studio c++

I am new to MS VS IDE. So I created a project. In source file I added .cpp source file. Now, I know that I can't use two main file but can I have two source file in single project. Those two source file have no connection with each other. For example Can I have two hello world! source file, in the same project, and can I compile individually to get individual results?
Why in the world would you want to do that? (I don't think it can be done. It's the opposite of the purpose of a project.)
It's the opposite of the purpose of a project.

I thought having more than one source file was the point of a project. I commonly see a main.cpp and then some header files and some other cpp files containing function definitions and that sort of thing.
Having more thane one source file is common for projects. Having completely unrelated source files in the same project as the OP suggests does kind of go against the purpose of a project.
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