Hi guys I'm trying to write a simple two player game of Tic Tac Toe that has a board with numbers 1 through 9 on it. when player one hits the 1 key the one turns into an X, and when player 2 hits a key that corresponding number turns into an O. Ive been coding for about a month and I'm on the classes section, which I dont understand at all by the way. People have posted that they have been coding for two weeks and they have a tic tac toe game and the code made no sense to me. Please help me this is killing my confidence level. This is what I have so far.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int slot[3][3]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
It sucks that you have such a confidence-killer to have to deal with. :/
How well do you understand pointers? You could keep a 1-D array of 9 pointers to each of the elements of your board, which might help. Alternatively, you could go over each element of your 2-D array and check its value against what the player entered.
Either way, good luck, and please don't hesitate to post with more questions.
I started with a 1-D array with a single pointer but I didnt know how to make it work. Do I really need 9 pointers? and thanks for the help I really appreciate it.
Well, that was just one way of doing it. The advantage of doing that would be that when you get from a user a certain number (like 8), you could just plug it into your 1-D array to get a pointer to the element you want.
I suppose you could also use slot[request/3][request%3] and bypass the 1-D array of pointers and the search, but only if you understand how it works. ;)
P.S.- Wouldn't it be better to have the array made out of chars?
"this doesnt Work, I dont know where to go from here"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char slot[9]={'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'};
char *P=slot;
char player_turn='1';
cout<<"player "<<player_turn<<"'s turn: ";
if (*P=1)
else if (*P=2)
else if (*P=3)
else if (*P=4)
else if (*P=5)
else if (*P=6)
else if (*P=7)
else if (*P=8)
else if (*P=9)
You're using the wrong equals in your ifs/else ifs, for starters.
Also, what I meant by using pointers was to have a 1-D array of pointers to the elements of a 2-D array. I'd suggest changing the type of P from a pointer to a regular variable.
I think you'll get a type error if you do that. You need to have ampersands (&) before all of the slot[0][0]s and slot[0][1]s and so on. Also, you're missing a bracket. :)
Im not sure thats the problem. So I have the board. Now I need to have a player input a number then that number changes to an X or and O. I have no idea where to begin
Start by creating out some way to figure out from the user's input which element he/she wants to change. There are at least three possibilities: one uses a 1D array and pointers, one uses a 2D array and a search, and one uses a 2D array without a search.
You may want another function for doing this. Here's a template:
1 2 3 4
char& get_tile(int pos) {
//Your code here.
return /*place a slot[][] or some other char variable here*/;
well I dont really know what happened but I understand it now. I cant use pointers or anything because it never works but I have this so far, and I apoligize for the lack of code tags I dont know how to do them. Though when I run this and enter player_move it just exits. What is wrong??
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char slot[3][3]={'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'};
char *pointer[9]={&slot[0][0], &slot[0][1], &slot[0][2], &slot[1][0], &slot[1][1], &slot[1][2], &slot[2][0], &slot[2][1], &slot[2][2]};
char player_turn='1';
char X_or_O;
char Player_Move;
bool valid_move=true;
bool game_over=false;
void print_board();
void Marker_Set();
void print_board()
cout<<slot[0][0]<<" "<<slot[0][1]<<" "<<slot[0][2]<<endl;
cout<<slot[1][0]<<" "<<slot[1][1]<<" "<<slot[1][2]<<endl;
cout<<slot[2][0]<<" "<<slot[2][1]<<" "<<slot[2][2]<<endl;
void Marker_Set()
if (X_or_O==player_turn)
int main()
cout<<"player "<<player_turn<<"'s turn: ";
if (Player_Move=='1' && slot[0][0]=='1')
else if (Player_Move=='2' && slot[0][1]=='2')
else if (Player_Move=='3' && slot[0][2]=='3')
else if (Player_Move=='4' && slot[1][0]=='4')
else if (Player_Move=='5' && slot[1][1]=='5')
else if (Player_Move=='6' && slot[1][2]=='6')
else if (Player_Move=='7' && slot[2][0]=='7')
else if (Player_Move=='8' && slot[2][1]=='8')
else if (Player_Move=='9' && slot[2][2]=='9')
{ cout<<"Invalid move, have another go.";
valid_move=false; }
while (valid_move=false);
if (slot[0][0]==slot[0][1] && slot[0][1]==slot[0][2])
if (slot[1][0]==slot[1][1] && slot[1][1]==slot[1][2])
if (slot[2][0]==slot[2][1] && slot[2][1]==slot[2][2])
if (slot[0][0]==slot[1][0] && slot[1][0]==slot[2][0])
if (slot[0][1]==slot[1][1] && slot[1][1]==slot[2][1])
if (slot[0][2]==slot[1][2] && slot[1][2]==slot[2][2])
if (slot[0][0]==slot[1][1] && slot[1][1]==slot[2][0])
if (slot[0][2]==slot[1][1] && slot[1][1]==slot[0][2])
You now have a blank board. You don't need to do anything with the 1-9 as far as the contents of the board go. 1-9 are simply the positions the user can specify.
I think cire was suggesting making your actual board a 1D array. Although it might make some tasks more complex (like checking for 3-in-a-rows), it'd simplify others (like user input).
Yeah I agree but I already made all of the multidimesional arrays in the code I dont really want to change them. But albatross can you put this code into your compiler and try it. I dont know whats wrong with it it doesnt loop or anything it just exits.
For my implementation of print_board you could simply make it take no parameters and, in the function body, use the global board variable. Then you wouldn't be explicitly using a pointer.
I have to disagree with Albatross on one point though, checking for 3-in-a-rows is the same level of complexity for a 1D array as a built-in 2D array (which actually is a 1D array under the hood.) In your current implementation the board (slots) has each slot initialized to unique values. That does make looking for 3's a little easier. You don't have to worry about 3 spaces being interpreted as a winner.
But aside from that:
while (valid_move=false);
should be
while (valid move == false) ;
while (game_over=false);
should be
while (game_over==false) ;
If your compiler's warning level is set properly, your compiler should warn you of this.
Okay so I basically have the whole program now, but I have a few issues. One, during the game whenever a player inputs X or O in the corner, the middle, and another corner, it says Player___wins, and it is not actually three in a row. and two how do you delete all previous memory? It says play again y/n and if they press y I want it to delete all the previous memory so the board is clear